Coronavirus in Italy, Omicron 5 raises positivity rate

Covid 48255 new cases in 24 hours Down the infections

(Finance) – They are 16,571 the new cases of Covid-19 registered in Italy in the last 24 hours compared to just over 79 thousand buffers, between molecular and antigenic with the rate of positivity increasing at 20.9% (+ 1.8%). I’m 59 the victims. These are the numbers of the bulletin released today, Monday 20 June, by the Ministry of Health. The total of infections since the beginning of the pandemic rises to 17,896,065, the victims become 167,780.

Meanwhile, according to the report on vaccinations against Covid-19 in Italy updated with today’s data, 138,083,830 doses have been administered up to now. 48,646,384 people received the two doses of the first cycle or the single-dose vaccine, a figure equal to over 90.10% of the population concerned. They are 39,706,402 people who received the third dose, equal to 83.24% of the population potentially subject to additional dose. Children between 5 and 11 years old who have received at least one dose are 1,395,317.

The virologist of the State University of Milan Fabrizio Pregliasco invites you to keep the attention bar high. Covid? “We will have to worry about it for a while longer, unfortunately we have to do it because its very high contagiousness, much higher than measles and chicken pox. Omicron5 raises and will raise cases, we will continue to have serious ones, albeit in a proportional way”. He told Rai Radio1, a guest of ‘A sheep’s day’. In order not to be infected “from Omicron 5 it is not enough to have had Covid and have done it three doses” added Pregliasco. Yet there are those who claim that it is now just an influence. “Let’s say Omicron 5 is four times that strong influence” claimed.

To those who asked him if we are in the middle of a new pandemic wave, he replied: “We are halfway there, the peak will be towards the end of July”.
