Corona medicine – at the pharmacy next week

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— The treatment is facilitated if the medicine is available at the pharmacy. So far, it has been distributed to infectious diseases clinics via a central procurement by the National Board of Health and Welfare, says Magnus Gisslén, professor of infectious diseases at Gothenburg University to Today’s Medicine.

Updated recommendations

The covid drug Paxlovid has been available at infectious disease clinics since July. Until now, the medicine has only been intended for patients in high-risk groups.

Now Gisslén and his team in the national care program group for covid-19 have updated the recommendations to facilitate use.

Among other things, Paxlovid treatment can be considered in an early course of the disease regarding patients of advanced age, presence of one or more risk factors and no covid vaccination or infection of sars-cov-2 in the last six months.

Treatment generally does not apply to patients under the age of 50, regardless of whether they are unvaccinated or have risk factors. Patients over 80 with risk factors, on the other hand, can be considered for treatment even if they have recently received a booster dose, according to Dagens Medicin.
