Corona admissions in Utrecht hospitals are increasing, national picture shows a decrease

Corona admissions in Utrecht hospitals are increasing national picture shows

© RTV Utrecht

PROVINCE OF UTRECHT – The number of people with a corona infection in hospital has decreased nationally. The picture is very different in Utrecht hospitals, where an increase in the number of admissions can be seen. This is evident from the latest corona figures that came out today.

In the past week, 149 people have been hospitalized across the country with Covid-19. A week earlier there were 1393 admissions. So a big drop. But at all Utrecht hospitals an increase in admissions can be seen, which has accelerated particularly in the last few days.

For example, the number of patients admitted to the Meander Medical Center rose from 15 on Saturday to 23 on Tuesday. At Sint Antonius in Nieuwegein there were 26 on Saturday and 39 on Tuesday. In UMC Utrecht there were 27 and a few days later 32. At fellow townsman, the Diakonessenhuis, there was an increase from 16 to 24. In total, on Monday February 12 84 patients hospitalized and three days later 118.

Number of infections

The number of confirmed corona infections has decreased in recent days. Between Monday morning and Tuesday morning, 53,548 new corona cases were registered at the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in Bilthoven. That is more than 1,500 fewer than Monday, when 55,084 new infections were identified after correction.

In the past seven days, RIVM registered 493,055 positive test results. That equates to an average of 70,436 new cases per day. This number has been declining steadily since Saturday.

Utrecht situation

When looking at the number of infections in the four major cities, Utrecht (1721) only has to tolerate Amsterdam (2364). Rotterdam follows with 1579 and The Hague with 1095.

But the number of infections is also on the high side in other Utrecht cities. For example, relatively many Amersfoorters received a positive test result: 953. Many infections were also found in IJsselstein and Woudenberg.

In total, 43,601 corona cases have been detected in the Utrecht Security Region. Last week that number was 53,079 and the week before it was 55,371.

Reproduction number corona below 1

The coronavirus is finding it increasingly difficult to spread, which can be seen from the so-called reproduction number. That fell below 1 for the first time since mid-December. It now stands at 0.98. The further it falls below 1, the faster the number of infections can fall.

A reproduction number of 0.98 means that a group of 100 people with corona infects an average of 98 others. They infect 96 others, who in turn transmit the virus to 94 people. With each step, the number of new infections decreases slightly.

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