Coquelusedal: infant, adult, how to use it?

Coquelusedal infant adult how to use it

Coquelusédal® is a suppository medicine made up of natural products: grindelia, gelsémium and essential oil of niaouli (for the adult form). When is it indicated? How to use it ? What are the dangers ?

When to take Coquelusedal?

Coquelusédal® is indicated for the treatment of mild acute bronchial conditions such as cough. It is to be taken in addition to a main treatment to enhance its therapeutic action. Another specialty called Coquelusedal paracetamol® is marketed. This medication contains the same constituents as Coquelusédal® with additional paracetamol. It allows to treat a cough associated with other symptoms such as fever or pain mild to moderate intensity.

From what age can Coquelusédal be used?

Coquelusédal® can be used from birth with the shape infant. There are two other forms: child (from 30 months to 15 years old) and adult (from 15 years old). The 3 presentations contain grindelia and gelsemium (therapeutic plants) in varying concentrations depending on the public for which the drug is intended. Note that the adult form has niaouli essential oil in addition. With regard to Coquelusedal paracetamol®, the dosed form at 100 mg of paracetamol can be taken in infants from 5 to 8 kg, i.e. from the age of about 2 months. Two other forms are available: a first dosed at 250 mg (for children from 13 to 20 kg) and a second dosed at 500 mg (for children from 25 kg and adults).

Coquelusédal® exists exclusively in the form of suppositories. In infants, it is recommended to administer, rectally, 1 to 2 suppositories per day. If the symptoms are still present after 5 days of treatment, a medical consultation is necessary.
If the child suffers from chronic bronchial or pulmonary disease, medical advice is required before initiating treatment.

The specialty Coquelusédal® indicated for adults exists only in suppositories. The maximum recommended daily dose is 1 to 2 suppositories administered rectally. If symptoms such as fever or sputum occur, a doctor should be consulted. No maximum duration of treatment is defined in adults, but any Prolonged use should be avoided to reduce risk of rectal irritation.

Is it available with or without a prescription?

This drug is available without a prescription. If prescribed by a doctor, it will not be reimbursed by health insurance.

Respecting the recommended doses is essential to limit the dangers

What are the dangers of Coquelusedal?

Coquelusedal® can cause local irritations in the anus and rectum. The frequency of occurrence and the intensity of these effects are dependent on the duration of treatment and the administration schedule. For this reason, the drug is contraindicated in patients with recent lesions in the anus and/or rectum. In the absence of sufficient scientific data, this medicinal product is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Particular vigilance is required with the adult form of Coquelusédal® and with Coquelusédal paracetamol® dosed at 500 mg. These specialties include niaouli essential oil rich in terpenes (natural hydrocarbons). In high doses, terpenes lower the seizure threshold and can cause seizures. Thus, the administration in an epileptic patient should be done with caution. Also, terpenes can be responsible for restlessness and confusion. in the elderly patient. Compliance with the recommended doses is therefore essential to limit the dangers of the drug.

Sources: Vidal / ANSM public drug database
