Coping with the heat when you’re pregnant: the right actions to survive the heatwave

Coping with the heat when youre pregnant the right actions

In case of a heatwave, here is some good advice if you are pregnant, to better cope with the high temperatures.

Coping with high temperatures is difficult, especially for expectant mothers. With the syndrome of heavy legsthe slightest movement is an ordeal and the nights are a real ordeal. Thus, it is essential, for one’s comfort and health, to observe a few simple rules. Hydration, rest, protection, that’s the winning trio.

It cannot be said enough: when it is hot, you must drink! During pregnancy, the body is put to the test and is much more fragile than normal. It is therefore imperative to hydrate very regularly, up to two liters per day, when temperatures are particularly high. Be careful, however, we eliminate sodas and all drinks that are too sweet.

The ideal is to drink water at room temperature or slightly warm. If this is not your habit, you can prepare the day before for the next day a water flavored with fresh fruit. Always keep a bottle of water near you and do not hesitate to set an alarm on your mobile phone if you are afraid of forgetting to hydrate yourself. Keep in mind that the risk of dehydration is very real and can have dangerous consequences for you or your baby.

One last little piece of advice, hydration also goes through the skin, so don’t skimp on the Moisturizing cream when you get out of the shower! Besides, if you are really too hot, nothing prevents you from taking short warm showers regularly. The effect does not last very long, but it provides real comfort.

How to cope with heat when pregnant?

You had planned to join friends for a shopping trip and then accompany your eldest on a school trip… what if you made the wise decision to stay cool at home instead? To avoid discomfort and real energy dips, put yourself in “minimum service” mode! Delegate, ask for help, in short, take care of yourself! During the hottest hours of the day, indulge yourself without feeling guilty a restorative napthinking carefully about raise your legs slightly to promote good blood circulation. Chances are this heat is exhausting you, so don’t overestimate your strength and listen to your body. A nap is ideal for releasing body tension and doing your morale good!

At home, ventilate only at dawn and late in the evening. Next, close the shutters and windows. Fans circulate hot air and are therefore ineffective at cooling the atmosphere, but if you place bottles of iced water right in front of them, you might enjoy a little freshness. As for air conditioners, they require leaving a window open to evacuate the air… so forget it! At night, if you leave the windows open, remember to hang wet sheets to the curtain rods, to get fresh air.

Getting dressed during pregnancy can be a real ordeal, and this is even more difficult when it’s very hot. The priority should be to choose clothes in which you feel comfortable. Choose clothes that are light dresses and breathable materials. At home, stay barefoot as much as possible and, since no one is watching you, you even have the right to spend the day in your underwear if you feel like it!

Outside: hat and sunscreen required

If you do decide to venture out, avoid the hottest hours of the day and opt for walks in the morning or after 7 p.m. Bring a bottle of water, cover your head with a wide-brimmed hat and remember to apply SPF 50 sunscreen. on your face and all parts of your body exposed to the sun, even if it’s just a walk around town! If you can, don’t hesitate to postpone your non-urgent medical appointments.

Many pregnant women have circulatory problems during pregnancy. Here are our tips to help you relieve your stress:

  • Elevate your legs whenever possible
  • Take regular foot baths
  • Wear your support stockings (yes, even if it’s hot)
  • Ask the future dad to massage your legs, from bottom to top to activate circulation
