Cooking in the L-flat: Sahar (38) makes sweet cake: ‘This dish takes me back to the mountains in Yemen’

Cooking in the L flat Sahar 38 makes sweet cake This

Bint Al Sahn sweet cake from Yemen made of several layers of dough

Ingredients: • 4 (tea) cups of flour • cup of water • 4 eggs • 1 teaspoon of salt • 1 tablespoon of sugar • 1.5 teaspoon of yeast • 2 tablespoons of milk powder or a cup of milk • butter • oil • black cumin seeds • honey Requirements: • large round baking tin • mixer • baking brush • rolling pin

Preheat the oven to 240 degrees with top and bottom heat. Mix the yeast with the sugar. Then dissolve it together in some water. Mix the flour, salt and milk powder in a bowl. Add two whole eggs and the whites of two other eggs. Keep the egg yolk and set aside. Add the yeast mixture and a cup of water and mix. Note: Do you use milk instead of powdered milk? Then do not add water. Knead the mixture into a nice dough and then leave covered for 30 minutes. Divide the dough into small balls. 12 is a nice number for the thickness of the cake. Sprinkle some flour on a board or plate and place the balls on it. Let rest for a while. Grease the round baking tin with butter. Take a ball of dough and stretch it with the rolling pin as thin as possible, until you can almost see through it. You can also do this with your hands. Make sure that the dough does not break. Spread the first layer of dough over the greased baking tin. Melt some butter and mix with the oil. Sprinkle the first layer of dough with some of the butter and oil mixture. Repeat the above steps for the other dough balls. In the end, there are several layers of dough on top of each other with the butter and oil mixture in between. Brush the last layer of dough with the egg yolk and then sprinkle some black cumin seeds on top. Place the baking tin in the preheated oven and bake the dough for 10 minutes. Remove the baking tin from the oven and spread some honey over the cake. Serve hot. Then the Bint Al Sahn is the best.
