Cooking in the L-flat: Chantal (30) makes a dish with a history: ‘Slaves were fed the leftovers’

Cooking in the L flat Chantal 30 makes a dish with

Heri heri or eri-eri in Surinamese is a Surinamese one-pot dish

Ingredients: sweet potatoes, ripe banana, green banana, cassava, cod, egg, salt, pepper, onion, oil, tomato and garlic

Bring the potatoes to the boil in a pan of water and let them cook until they are soft/cooked. Then wash the cod under a cold tap to remove the salt from the surface, after which it is completely boiled in a pan with water (5 to 10 minutes). When these minutes have passed, the cod is washed again under a tap with cold water, after which it is allowed to drain (about 5 minutes). Meanwhile, the eggs are cooked in a separate pan.

Now put a pan with oil on fire. Make sure the pan with oil is hot so that the garlic, onion and tomato can be fried properly. Then add the cod and let it fry for a while.

To serve: Serve the potatoes on a plate of which the cod is placed in the middle and an egg next to it. Some celery could also be sprinkled over the cod.
