Convoy truck is expected to proceed to Washington, the largest police operation in history to dismantle protests in Canada

Convoy truck is expected to proceed to Washington the largest

There are truck journeys from all over the United States to the capital. In Washington, the National Guard is on standby.

Police are preparing for truck protests in the U.S. capital, Washington, starting next week.

The first Convoy processions are scheduled to leave California today for Washington.

Some of the processions will head to the capital by the first day of March, when the president Joe Biden give his annual speech on the state of the nation.

The U.S. Department of Defense has approved the deployment of 700 National Guards in Washington to help control traffic during any protests.

Police have urged Washington residents to be prepared for traffic disruptions in the coming weeks. Some protesters have talked about closing the ring road around Washington.

Their goal is to pressure Biden to abandon “heavy” corona restrictions such as mask coercion and vaccination requirements.

– We do not want to live under a communist-style dictatorial regime, spokesman for the People’s Convoy Mike Landis said the news agency AP.

The largest police operation ever in Canada

In Canada, police broke up over a weekend of weeks of Convoy protests in the country’s capital, Ottawa.

Hundreds of trucks clogged the city center for more than three weeks. Border posts between Canada and the United States were also closed due to protests that halted billions of dollars in freight traffic between the two countries.

Protests began against opposition to corona restrictions but escalated into protests against Canadian PM Justin Trudeauta against.

The eviction of protesters has been described as the largest police operation in Canadian history.

Police arrested nearly 200 people, including protesters, and towed at least 115 vehicles, AP news agency reported.

Mayor of Ottawa Jim Watson flashed (switch to another service)that the trucks should be confiscated and sold and the proceeds used to cover the massive costs of the protests.

The emergency is not over in Canada

On Monday, the Canadian parliament gave the government an emergency mandate to end the protests. According to Prime Minister Trudeau, the state of emergency in the country is not over, but there are “real worries” in the coming days.

According to some members of the opposition, Trudeau has gone too far and resorted to “authoritarian military-style means” against the protesters. According to them, it has been above all a police failure.

The Canadian truck protest has inspired demonstrations in other countries, including Finland.

You can discuss the topic until Thursday, February 23 at 11 p.m.
