Convicted of nine-year-old rape after DNA dating

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The woman was assaulted and raped in an industrial area in Gothenburg when she was on her way home late one evening in January, the police write in a press release.

Witness data, DNA traces and images from surveillance cameras led the police to a first suspect, who could then be dismissed.

In the autumn, nine years after the rape, another man could be linked to the crime. It was when the man was topped for a suspicion of another crime that the police got hit against the DNA profile that the police secured after the rape in 2013. The man was charged with the rape and on Friday the Gothenburg District Court came with its verdict, the police write.

The man is sentenced for rape to probation, and he must also pay damages of SEK 110,000 to the woman. He was only 17 years old at the time of the crime, which is one of the reasons why the district court does not consider that he should be sentenced to prison.

“The topping was absolutely crucial for this indictment,” says Joanna Larsen, prosecutor at the Gothenburg Chamber of Prosecutors, according to the police press release.
