controversy over the flashy holidays of the president of the United Arab Emirates

controversy over the flashy holidays of the president of the

The visit of the President of the United Arab Emirates does not go unnoticed in South Africa. Mohammed Ben Zayed Al Nahyane joined his private nature reserve in the Eastern Cape province with 500 guests. And rather than landing at an international airport in the region, the Emir of Abu Dhabi and his court landed at an airfield used by the military and police. A privilege creates controversy.

With our correspondent in Johannesburg, Roman Song

Bulembu airfield had perhaps never experienced such traffic. In mid-April, several cargo planes landed on its tarmac. Planes filled with luxury cars, firearms for hunting parties and passengers: 500 guests from 32 nationalities. The airport was therefore exceptionally declared a port of entry into South African territory.

The opposition criticizes the power for having validated this procedure without informing the public within the time limits. The opposition also wanted to know if these passengers were in possession of visas.

For a week, the press and the opposition have been raising questions about possible privileges. This Friday, April 28, five ministers were therefore mobilized to try to extinguish the start of a fire during a press conference.

Everything is in order, replies the government: the guests have the necessary papers, imported weapons are authorized and no foreign currency has been found by customs. ” South Africans have a right to be vigilant, but the worst conclusions should not be automatically assumed deplores the government. South Africans have learned to be wary. In 2013, former President Jacob Zuma allowed the family Gupta, accused of corruptionto land their wedding guests on a military base.
