controversy after the summoning of an opposition journalist to the criminal brigade

controversy after the summoning of an opposition journalist to the

In Madagascar, star journalist Fenosoa Gascar of the private opposition television channel Real TV spent his day Monday, December 11 in the criminal research section of the national gendarmerie, summoned with the guest of his show on December 4 , the politician Christian Tabera. The latter is accused of having incited the police to a military mutiny during this interview. The affair is being debated a few days before the inauguration of President Andry Rajoelina, in a tense context.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Antananarivo, Sarah Tétaud

Monday, at the end of the preliminary investigation, the gendarmes informed the two men that the file would be “ transmitted to the Public Prosecutor’s Office “. Less risk, therefore, of being placed under a committal order than during a classic removal procedure, but a more uncomfortable situation too, explains Maître Eric Rafidison, the lawyer of journalist Fenosoa Gascar:

It often happens that files sent to the public prosecutor’s office are only processed after one or two years. Which means there is a sort of sword of Damocles for those concerned. [Fenosoa Gascar] can still work, but he knows that there is a file hanging over his head and that file has not been resolved. »

A warning for those who today embody, in the eyes of a large segment of the population, a more independent and more critical journalism.

Suppose the State later has a grudge against my client. At that time, I am sure that, in addition to the file that will be opened at that time, there will be the file that was processed today that will reappearcontinues the defense of the journalist. He was worried, because given the justice Madagascarwe cannot be calm as long as we know that we are going to be brought before justice. »

L’Order of journalists remains on alert in relation to this matter.

The opposition has already expressed its indignation at “ to forms of intimidation » towards the journalist and speaks “ violation of press freedom “.
