Controversy after the extradition by Germany of a former FDLR rebel to Rwanda

Controversy after the extradition by Germany of a former FDLR

Former leader of the Rwandan rebel group FDLR Straton Musoni was convicted in Germany of crimes against humanity in 2015. After serving his eight-year prison sentence, several concurring press sources assured over the weekend that Straton Musoni was extradited to Rwanda on Friday October 21. Kigali accuses some members of this group of having taken part in the 1994 genocide.

With our correspondent in Berlin, Nathalie Versieux

The Federal Office for Migration has decided to dismiss Straton Musoni, assures the magazine der Spiegel. The news of this extradition, to a country where he would risk his life, aroused the indignation of human rights defenders in Germany.

I know Rwanda well, I have been there quite oftenexplains lawyer Gerd Hankel. The state does not respect human rights, justice works according to the wishes of the president. The German authorities should know that. The FDLR are considered public enemy number one, even if they no longer really play a role today. Musoni, its former representative and former protagonist of the resistance, risks being exposed to attempts at revenge. »

German justice sentenced Straton Musoni to eight years in prison in 2015convinced that the man who led a peaceful life in the south of the country was in fact one of the leaders of the FDLR, and that he had ordered the massacres from his exile in Germany.

Read also : DRC: Human Rights Watch accuses Congolese army of supporting armed groups
