Controlling your blood pressure at home: the simplest is also the most effective

Controlling your blood pressure at home the simplest is also

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    Medical validation:
    August 16, 2022

    A team of American researchers wanted to check whether the most sophisticated blood pressure monitors are also the most accurate for controlling blood pressure at home. Against all odds, the simplest cuff is still the best option.

    This is news that will undoubtedly interest the third of French people affected by high blood pressure. According to a study conducted by UC San Francisco, published on August 15 in the JAMA Internal Medicine, we know today that the effectiveness of the most recent and top-of-the-range monitoring devices, associated with smartphone applications and Bluetooth for example, would have nothing to envy to the most classic blood pressure cuffs, despite a multitude of high-tech features.

    More expensive, but not better

    To arrive at this finding, the research team equipped more than 2,000 people, all suffering from high blood pressure, with a random basic device or a popular Bluetooth-enabled device. After 6 months of use, patients who received the basic cuff had reduced their blood pressure by 10.6 mmHg, while those who received the smartphone application had lowered their blood pressure by 10.8 mmHg, a tiny difference which does not really justify the usefulness of more expensive devices.

    For Mark J. Pletcher, professor of epidemiology and biostatistics, and author of the study, the result is rather good news: “We believe this study is important because it provides practical, real-world answers for physicians and patients”, reminding that if it is not controlled, hypertension can eventually lead to heart attack or stroke. “ The results allow physicians to confidently advise their patients to purchase and use the blood pressure monitoring device they prefer. ” report the authors. There is also no need to dive into an expensive and complicated program to set up, if it is not adapted to the patient.

    Consult a cardiologist online

    This study comes in addition to another observation, useful for monitoring one’s own blood pressure: regular blood pressure measurements taken at home prove to be more meaningful than those in a doctor’s office. You still need to know how to take your blood pressure.

    Self-measurement of blood pressure requires compliance with what is called the “rule of 3”:

    • Perform 3 measurements spaced out, one to two minutes apart, in the morning before breakfast
    • Perform 3 measurements spaced one to two minutes apart in the evening before going to bed;
    • Repeat these measurements for 3 days in a row and write them down.

    It also requires a simple and reproductive attitude

    • Use an armband adapted to your size (especially for overweight people)
    • Sit quietly for 5 minutes.
    • Place your arm at the elbow at heart level.
    • Remain calm during the measurement.
    • Resume it under the same conditions (at the same time, etc.).
    • Finally, it is a question of not being obsessed with the figures resulting from the measurement, it is normal for the voltage to vary during the day.
