Private 5G and the new generation of technologies in order to present the possibilities of the digital age to Türkiye at the same time with the world. Türk Telekom Both local and global levels continue to carry out cooperation with the world’s leading companies. Türk Telekom aims to accelerate Türkiye’s digital transformation by developing products and services that accelerate industrial transformation and one of the world’s leading technology brands Nokia and the GSMA Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain announced that it has carried out Industry 4.0 attempts in a 5G -linked production environment.
Türk Telekom and Nokia’s 5G’s low delay time, high band width and rapid data transmission capabilities using imaging instant control thanks to the instant control of the employee to higher level and to increase productivity in production, intelligent factory applications were presented to the participants with demo demo demo demon.
Ümit Önal, CEO of Türk Telekom, said, uz We continue to lead the digital transformation with our strong fiber infrastructure and accumulation in technology. We see this issue as a matter of national responsibility and offer innovative technologies in all areas of life such as health, education, sports, art and present to the service of our users in every corner of our country. The possibilities of 5G will create strong and useful transformations in many sectors. In line with our vision in this field, we are conducting pioneering works covering all sectors. We are building a digital future with our smart urbanism, smart agriculture and smart factory projects. In the applications where we focus on occupational health, safety and productivity issues, we conducted successful industry 4.0 experiments with Nokia. This is a big step in terms of occupational health and employee safety. In addition to real -time video analytics and artificial intelligence technologies, we achieved successful results by using special 5G industrial network technology. These studies have proved to us the efficiency that 5G will add to the sectors with its low delay time and high bandwidth capabilities. When we move to 5G as the most ready operator for 5G, we will sign a lot of work that add value to our country with these gains. We also experienced the Nokia MX Context demos in MWC. ” he said.
Stephan Litjens, Vice President of Corporate Campus End Solutions of Nokia Bulut Networks and Services, said: “Türk Telekom’s interest in bringing together Nokia MX Context and special 5G technology in order to accelerate industrial digitalization in Türkiye. Thanks to its performance connection, we can help industries to increase employee safety, improve operational efficiency and bring automation to more advanced level. ”
In order to provide maximum benefit from the data collected from the industrial campus in the experiment, an Edge Bilişim and Artificial Intelligence Platform (Nokia MX Industrial Edge, MXIE) was created to enable artificial intelligence -based inference for intelligent automation opportunities in the factory data center. The MX Context solution includes two different usage scenarios, monitoring, positioning and workers’ safety, multi -mode sensor fusion for operational technology, and artificial intelligence inference.