Contracts, CNEL: “Over a thousand registered agreements: 563 out of 940 in the private sector expired”

Contracts CNEL Over a thousand registered agreements 563 out of

(Finance) – I national collective labor agreements in force in the public and private sectors, which are deposited in the National Archives of contracts of CNEL as of June 30, 2022, there are a total of 1,010, in accordance with the provisions of art. 17 of the law of 30 December 1986, n. 936. Of the 940 of private sector, 563 (equal to 59.9%) have expired. This is what emerges froml new issue of the Labor Market News and National Archives of CNE ContractsL, in which a comparative table is also published regarding the number of employees in the private sector covered by the contracts in force that are filed with the CNEL, divided by whether or not the union signatories belong to confederations represented at the CNEL. From this grid they result 12,862,846 employees with agreements signed by categories belonging to trade unions represented at the CNEL (Cgil, Cisl, Uil, Cida, Confedir, Confsal, Cisal, Ugl, Ciu).

“From the first data of the analysis of the systematic monitoring on the implementation of the PNRR which in this phase focused on the resources dedicated by notices and calls to the three transversal priorities of the Plan, gender and generational equality and the contrast to the territorial gap for the development of Mezzogiorno, it is clear that the existing and analyzed percentages, up to mid-July 2022, are still very partial. This is obviously a negative signal of the inadequate finalization of public notices to the priorities of the Plan. This is not an easy activity, conducted by groups work on the PNRR of the CNEL, which is proceeding with the help of the data provided by OPen Impact – writes the president of the CNEL Tiziano Treu in the editorial of the Notiziario -. public tenders that contain an explicit indication of the destination to the three priorities indicated and the consequences in terms of output and outcome deg consequent interventions “.
