contaminations, vaccines… Where are we for the holidays?

contaminations vaccines Where are we for the holidays

Where is the Covid epidemic in France? Has the booster dose vaccination progressed? Update on Covid-19 developments.

It’s time for reunions and hugs for the end of the year celebrations… but as for two years already, the Covid epidemic has been playing spoilsport. The guilty ? The majority Omicron variant throughout the territory and its sub-variant, the BQ.1.1, majority at 62%. Although the symptoms are no different from its relatives – sore throat, fever, loss of taste and smell – this sub-variant appears to be more resilient than its predecessors. So where are we from the epidemic in France?

First of all, a point on the contaminations which seem to be calming down, the peak of the ninth wave would be behind Christmas 2022. According to figures from Public Health France, between Thursday December 15 and this Wednesday December 21, there were approximately 49,000 daily contaminations. For example, on December 21 more than 54,000 new cases were recorded, which is synonymous with a 17% drop in contamination over fourteen days. The milestone of 100,000 new cases was reached on December 6, a peak that France had not known since last July. According to the latest data, from December 18 for almost 216,000 people tested on December 18, one in four people are positive for the Covid-19.

A vaccination that is stalling

Last year, in 2021, the contamination figures were roughly similar before soaring to more than 365,000 cases from January 2022. The authorities are therefore calling for caution and vaccination, in order to fight against severe forms of Covid. Despite an increase in the number of booster doses injected, François Braun Minister of Health admitted to being “concerned” by the low rate of vaccination. “It’s still too low,” he lamented in the columns of the JDD this December 17. Vaccination, whether for the first time or a booster dose, is open to all, recalled the Ministry of Health. However, the numbers are not good. Vaccination is stalling with only 40% of 60-80 year olds and barely 20% of over 80s who received a fourth dose in early December according to The Obs.

Concerning the vaccination reminder, the High Authority for Health recalled in a communicated that “the administration of this additional dose (regardless of the number of doses already administered previously) is recommended 3 months after the last booster for people over 80 and immunocompromised, and 6 months for all others”. Moreover, if you are concerned by a recall, the High Authority for Health issued this Thursday, December 8, a favorable opinion on the use of two new vaccines as a recall: VidPrevtyn Beta from Sanofi/GSK and the Nuvaxovid vaccine from Novavax in adults. However, these “second-line” vaccines are to be used in limited cases, the HAS maintaining its recommendation to preferentially use bivalent mRNA vaccines.

What precautions for the holidays?

In addition to Covid, epidemics of influenza and bronchiolitis are rife. Several precautions remain in place for Christmas and New Year gatherings. Benjamin Davido, infectiologist recently explained to La Depeche that several recommendations should be kept in mind. One of the tips is to limit hugs and review the seating plan. It is necessary to separate the elderly from the youngest and if possible make two separate tables for an ideal number of guests of 10 guests while ventilating the room.

In the event of symptoms, it will be necessary to go out masked and above all to carry out a PCR test ideally, or otherwise antigen or self-test. Hand washing with soap or hydroalcoholic gel remains appropriate.
