Consume plenty for the treatment of shingles

Consume plenty for the treatment of shingles

Shingles is a disease caused by reactivation of the Varicella Zoster virus, which remains dormant in the body after chickenpox has healed. The dormant virus is awakened abruptly by a stress jolt or other triggering factor, usually when the immune system is down.

Experts said it can be found in foods filled with lysine, an amino acid that inhibits the cellular growth of the zoster virus, one of the most potent shingles killers. Lysine is one of the 22 amino acids found in proteins. Lysine is an essential amino acid, meaning it is necessary for human health, but the body cannot produce this amino acid. Shingles can be prevented or symptoms can be alleviated by consuming foods rich in lysine.


  • Meat, especially red meat and poultry
  • Cheese, especially parmesan
  • Some fish, such as cod and sardines
  • Egg
  • Soybeans, especially tofu, isolated soy protein and defatted soybean meal
  • Spirulina (a type of seaweed that can grow in both fresh and salt water.)
  • Fenugreek seeds.



Shingles usually lasts for two to six weeks and goes away on its own. Most individuals get shingles only once. However, since the virus causing the disease did not leave the body, it was observed that the situation recurred more than once in some cases, especially in cases where the immune system was weakened. You can protect yourself by consuming foods recommended by experts for the treatment of shingles.
