County contributes additional $100,000 to project
![In this file photo from 2021, Waterford Skateboard Park Committee members Kerry Bockenhold, Marlene McCulligh and Denise Jolicoeur unveil a new banner for the Skateboard Park at the Waterford Heritage and Agricultural Museum on Nichol Street. – Contributed photo](
Construction of the much-anticipated Waterford Skate Park is expected to begin in August and should be completed by the end of October, says a volunteer board member for the project.
“We’re quite happy,” Tom O’Hara said Tuesday. “We’ve been working on this, as a community since about 2017 and then we had COVID-19 and a bit of a delay.
“But we’ve got great momentum and we’ll be meeting as a committee next week to work out some of the details.”
O’Hara made the comments after Norfolk County Council on Tuesday voted in favor of contributing an extra $100,000 to the project. The additional funding will help support the addition of a BMX pump track and cover inflationary costs.
Councilors were told the skate park committee, which includes volunteers like O’Hara, raised more than $478,000 for the park through fund-raising, grants and in-kind donations.
Norfolk County contributed $200,000 to the project in 2018. In total, the county will contribute $300,000 to the project which is expected to cost $778,000.
The park will be designed to accommodate all skill levels and will be wheelchair accessible for those with disabilities. Upon completion, the park will be owned and maintained by the county.
“We’re quite excited,” O’Hara said. “It’s great for the community and we want to get this done before Christmas so the kids can start using it.
“We’ve got a lot of kids out there with skate boards and scooters and they’re chomping at the bit.”
O’Hara said the committee feels the skate park will be a very positive recreational complex for youth and young adults.
The skate park and BMX pump track will be on the northeast area of the Waterford Heritage and Agricultural Museum site. The location provides connections to the trail system, ponds and surrounding green space.
County officials envision the area becoming a community hub that will enable families to enjoy the museum, shops and restaurants.
count. Kim Huffman (Ward 7), who represents Waterford, congratulated and thanked the community group for their efforts.
“I’m so proud of the work done by the Waterford Skate Park volunteers,” Huffman said. “This was a grassroots project that residents and Norfolk County will benefit from going forward.”
Mayor Amy Martin is thrilled to the project approaching the finish line.
“It’s an example of the power of community volunteers who see a need in their community and get the support of donors and partners to make it happen,” Martin said. ”The Waterford Skatepark’s focus on inclusive design means it will be a place all members of the community can enjoy.”
To learn more about the Waterford Skate Park visit
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