Construction, government-parties agreement for training three thousand refugees

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(Finance) – Train and start work in the construction sector refugees and other vulnerable migrants, in order to accompany their path towards autonomy and to support growth driven by superbonus and Pnrr: is the double goal of the three-year memorandum of understanding signed by the labor ministers, Andrea Orlando, and of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese, by the president of Ance, Gabriele Buiaand by the general secretaries of Fillea-Cgil, Filca-Cisl and Feneal-Uil. A document which also UNHCR and Anci collaborated on. The collaboration between the Government and the social partners aims at the socio-working integration of at least 3 thousand people, including applicants and holders of international or temporary protection, holders of special protectionunaccompanied foreign minors in transition to adulthood and former minors unaccompanied foreigners.

The recipients, identified in the extraordinary reception centers and in the reception and integration system, will be included in the training courses of the construction schools, coordinated by the joint body Formedil and will have field experiences with internships to be carried out directly at the sector companies. Pilot interventions based on the activation of apprenticeship contracts are also envisaged for unaccompanied foreign minors and for those who have come of age in the meantime.

“A great opportunity for the workers and for the country – Orlando said – because training and work are always extraordinary levers to favor integration, allowing migrants to build a new life in Italy and to contribute to the growth of our country. The social partners they have been able to read this situation well, looking at most people vulnerable, with the aim of responding to a strong need for manpower “.

Orlando added that “thus we accept the partnership on integration signed between the European Commission, employers’ associations and European trade unions, reducing it operationally to the Italian reality and to the needs of our production system. We also do this by looking at the future of those fleeing the war in Ukraine and seeking protection, welcome and integration here. I hope to soon sign similar agreements also active in other sectors “.

Lamorgese affirmed that “the protocol intends to provide the answer to a concrete need, that of favoring the employment of vulnerable foreign citizens in a strategic sector of the national economy, such as construction. have a structural nature, our society needs to quickly strengthen its resilience capacity, proving itself capable not only of welcoming people in need, but also of drawing strength from their full integration into the social and economic fabric. I am sure – she concluded – that the protocol, for the definition of which I thank the Minister Orlando, President Buia and all the trade union parties represent an important model which will be able to stimulate new forms of alliance between public and private sectors in ever larger sectors of the national economy “.
