Constitutional council: Macron avoids the right sink

Constitutional council Macron avoids the right sink

A nomination has been a lot of talk in France, that of Richard Ferrand as president of the Constitutional Council. The former president of the National Assembly only obtained the validation of parliamentarians at one voice. Emmanuel Macron, who had chosen to offer the name this faithful for this function, therefore avoided the Camouflet of accuracy.

It was Emmanuel Macron the target. Since the announcement of the presidential choice, the protest machine had been thrilled, because Richard Ferrand is identified as a macronie growl, craftsman of the 2017 victory, faithful among the faithful, ephemeral minister who became president of the National Assembly before being beaten in the 2022 legislative elections, the first collateral damage of his proximity to Emmanuel Macron. Since then, Richard Ferrand, converted into the private sector, remained one of the president’s shadow advisers. It is for all these reasons that his appointment at the head of the Constitutional Council sparked so many protests.

Read tooFrance: Parliament approves the appointment of Richard Ferrand at the head of the Constitutional Council

“” One more pan »»

Bringing to Richard Ferrand was sending a rejection message to Emmanuel Macron. A parliamentarian close to Edouard Philippe sums up the situation in imagined terms, it was according to him the means ” cum one more pan To the president, before adding about the relevance of the choice of Richard Ferrand: ” I would not have made this decision, but it is not scandalous ». A very macronist minister zealously defends the former president of the National Assembly and denounces a ” friendship “, When the deputy LR Olivier Marleix condemns him a” unhealthy With the head of state. Because it was from the left but also from the republican right that the attacks and votes against the appointment of Richard Ferrand came, while the RN abstained and saved the bet.

What consequences?

First, this shows the fragility of the common base, this circumstance alliance between the central block and LR on which the Bayrou government rests. On the first occasion, the Republicans show that they hate Emmanuel Macron. A Senate group leader believes that by seeing that the RN was absent, they “were” loose By voting against the president’s candidate. And then, each decision by Richard Ferrand to the Constitutional Council is likely to be sifted in the suspicion of partiality. Unless like Robert Badinter who was appointed to the same function, he does not demonstrate that he joined his ” duty of ingratitude Compared to the one who named him, Emmanuel Macron.
