Constipation problem disappears! Make sure to do this every morning

Constipation problem disappears Make sure to do this every morning

You are not the only one experiencing the problem of constipation. Constipation, which is one of the most common ailments, is both a painful and disturbing process. Anytime you can’t reach the toilet will be even more painful, especially if you’re somewhere outside of the home.


There is a very simple way to solve the constipation problem. After trying this, you’ll be doing this instead of making coffee first thing every morning. Difficulty and pain in defecation and infrequent bowel movements are the most common constipation symptoms. But this annoying gastrointestinal symptom can be relieved with a simple daily habit: Drinking warm water in the morning.


How can hot water help with constipation? We hear you ask. According to the Mayo Clinic, drinking a glass of water in the morning after waking up helps deliver nutrients throughout your body, regulate body temperature, and flush toxins from your system. It is this latter benefit, its ability to help clear the digestive tract, that makes water such a powerful tool to help relieve constipation.

Drinking warm water on an empty stomach may not sound like the most exciting morning ritual, but just a glass of it can help kickstart your metabolism and stimulate your gut. It will be good to drink at least 1 to 2 glasses of water when you wake up to work the digestive system. But water alone is useless. Eating plenty of fiber foods (fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains) will also support a healthy gut and keep you regular. Drinking enough water is important on a high-fiber diet.
