consternation all around the world

Canadians brace for surge in abortion requests

The dismayed reactions multiply after the decision of the American Supreme Court to revoke the right to abortion. From now on, each State is entitled to prohibit it, to restrict it or to authorize it. This historic shift in the United States is prompting reactions elsewhere in the world, notably in France, Canada and the UN.

With our correspondent in Geneva,

In the United States, President Joe Biden speaks of a ” tragic mistake » and denounces « extremist ideology “, while his predecessor Donald Trump on the contrary evokes “ God’s will “.

►Also read: United States: the Supreme Court revokes the right to abortion

Abortion is a fundamental right for all women. You have to protect it “, reacted the French president, Emmanuel Macron, who expresses his” solidarity with women whose freedoms are challenged by the Supreme Court ” the United States.

French Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne speaks of ” a dark day for women’s rights », Reports Nicolas Falez, of RFI’s international service, while in the left opposition, we are already thinking about a bill to include the right to abortion in the French Constitution. In the United Kingdom, the head of government, Boris Johnson, deplores a ” big throwback “.

News ” horrible »

In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau talks about news “ horrible » and adds that « no government, no politician, no man ” souldn’t ” tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body (also read below).

For her part, Michelle Bachelet, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, regrets ” a terrible blow focused on women’s rights. She points out that women with low incomes or belonging to racial and ethnic minorities will be particularly affected.

Michelle Bachelet believes that the Supreme Court’s decision will deprive millions of women of their freedoms in the United States. At one time or more than 50 countries in the world have relaxed their abortion laws for 25 years, reports our correspondent in Geneva, Jeremiah Lance.

There was no official reaction from the WHO side, but in a tweet, its boss Tedros Ghebreyesus recalls that restricting the right to abortion only increases the number of clandestine abortions. And therefore the risk of dying for those who use it.

This is also the opinion of several independent experts and United Nations special rapporteurs. In a press release, they ask Joe Biden to do everything to limit the impact of this decision. In particular, by financially helping women who will have to travel from one state to another to obtain an abortion.

►Also read: Abortion rights in the United States: demonstrations in several cities

Canada ready to welcome women who could no longer have abortions

The reactions to the decision of the Supreme Court of the United States to invalidate the national right to abortion were quick to fuse in neighboring Canada. Some abortion clinics and pro-choice activists have been dreading this day across the US border for months. Canada has repeatedly said it is ready to welcome American women who can no longer have abortions in their state, reports our correspondent in Montreal, Camille Feireisen.

And the specialty clinics received numerous calls from US abortion rights organizations to start developing plans, but it was hard to predict ahead of the Supreme Court’s decision. Especially since abortion services are also saturated here and it will be necessary to have the financial means to cross the border and pay medical expenses as well as a passport. Several activists and organizations are however on the warpath to see what measures to take to help American women who will need it.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau immediately reacted on Twitter, saying that no politician or man should tell a woman what she can or cannot do with her body (read above). Demonstrations took place Sunday noon in front of several courthouses in Quebec to protest against this decision… which could well increase the burden on the medical services offered in Canada.
