(Finance) – Consob ha Appointed the Board of Discipline for the two-year period 2025-2026which is made up of: Aldo Magnoni (general official, President), Mauro Lorenzoni (Central Director – Member), Adriana Rossetti (Central Director – Member), Silvia Ulissi (Central Director – Member), Simone Alvaro (Senior Director -Membro).
In case of absence or impedimentthe members of the college will be replaced as follows: Aldo Magnoni by Mauro Lorenzoni, central director; Mauro Lorenzoni from Serenella Maria Pizzoferrato, Senior director; Adriana Rossetti from Elisabetta Cafiero, Senior director; Silvia Ulissi by Vincenzo Cimino, Senior director; Simone Alvaro by Roberto Polegri, Senior director.
The functions of secretary They will be carried out by Andrea D’Intino, Councilor Senior, assisted or replaced, where he needed, by Ambra Caputo, Senior Councilor. At the meeting of the College, the Head of Legal Consulting will participate, as a consultant and without the right to vote.