conservatives still split in Truss-Sunak duel

conservatives still split in Truss Sunak duel

In four days the United Kingdom will know who its Prime Minister is. This is played between Liz Truss, favorite and current Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Rishi Sunak, former Chancellor of the Exchequer. The last “hustings”, a round table between candidates, took place this Wednesday evening in London. RFI met with activists from the British capital.

With our special correspondent in London, Emily Wine

Activists have until Friday evening September 2 to vote, but many had made their choice even before the last meeting.

“I have already voted, for Rishi Sunak. He has the experience to manage the economy in difficult times “says a woman. ” Rishi is very smart, confirms his neighbor, but I have the feeling that most of his policies are just a continuation of the current government. Liz seems fresher to me. »

Another activist believes that “ Liz is the person who will bring public service to heel » while another has « hard to choose between the two “. ” I voted, Rishi, but I didn’t have a strong conviction “, he admits.

Stay united…

In the room, where there are empty seats, it is Rishi Sunak, given the loser by the polls, who wins the applause meter. The candidates will have had a last opportunity to detail their programs.

I will unlock the opportunities of Brexit, getting rid of all European regulations by 2023. And I will lower taxes », promises Liz Truss.

I want to use my experience in business to lead the economy to a better future. We will reform our taxes to help business, invest more, innovate more responds Rishi Sunak.

Truss, Sunak and most activists, however, recall the same idea: the importance of staying united, whoever wins on Monday.

Read also : Succession of Boris Johnson: Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, what brings them together and what separates them
