Consent: UNICEF and Rabbids on a mission

Consent UNICEF and Rabbids on a mission

To breathe new life into its campaign aimed at raising awareness among young people about the issue of consent, UNICEF called on the Rabbids, in a video with a playful and offbeat approach. Posters and activity booklets complete the operation.

Broadcast on Youtube and all social networks, a new UNICEF video, produced by Ubisoft, completes the campaign related to the issue of consent launched since 2017. In this new patch, new spokespersons, and not the least, are responsible for addressing the theme of consent and equality between girls and boys. And since it is a question of targeting the youngest and introducing them to these issues as early as possible, who better than Rabbids for a “funny and quirky” approach?

Educate on sexuality, fight against gender inequalities and sexual and gender-based violence

If the approach is obviously intended to be playful and light thanks to the little favorite characters of children, the theme is sensitive, and the stake crucial. Basically, UNICEF seeks to protect children from all forms of making them aware “as soon as possible to respect their bodies and the bodies of others”, indicates the press release of the association. In fact, they are able to identify deviant or sluggish behavior. They are also encouraged not to be subjected to -or to be subjected to- gender discrimination, to affirm their tastes and desires, without taking into account stereotyped categorisations linked to gender.

To accompany this video, UNICEF will also distribute eleven posters throughout the territory and game booklets, equally enlightening and didactic, in which the Rabbids explain to children their rights. These will be distributed by volunteers in school and extracurricular structures that are partners of UNICEF France. This campaign is in line with the fundamental principles of UNICEF, defined in the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the most ratified text in the world since its creation 32 years ago.

Rabbids to the rescue of the #MyConsent campaign

With this partnership, UNICEF is targeting children, while the #MonConsentement campaign, launched in 2020, was aimed more at young adolescents. Indeed, it relied on the Aubry law of 2001, to make the three sessions effective yearly sex education sessions required in college and high school.

Noting that many establishments still do not offer them to their students, UNICEF also notes that when they are provided, they are mainly from a biological angle, addressing “little the themes of consent, sexist and sexual violence and gender identity”. In February 2022, the collective #NousToutes indicated that among 100,900 students questioned, they had only benefited from 13% of the 21 sessions they should have had. Thereby, “Teaching children consent is an essential public utility measure to fight against gender-based and sexual violence, to teach them to set limits and to respect those of others. So that the child can say ‘no’, it is first important to teach him to say ‘no’ “asserts Julie Zerlauth, Head of Advocacy and Awareness at UNICEF France.
