Congress politician attacked during speech

Congress politician attacked during speech

Published: Less than 40 min ago

full screenLee Zeldin is running for governor of New York state. Archive image. Photo: John Minchillo/AP/TT

Republican Lee Zeldin was attacked by a man who appears to have tried to stab him during a speech on Thursday. But the Congress politician escaped serious injury.

“I’m fine,” he announces in a statement.

Zeldin sits in the House of Representatives and is running for governor of New York state.

The assailant climbed onto the stage in the middle of the speech, which was given to a crowd outside Rochester.

“Fortunately, I was able to grab his wrist and hold him off for a few moments until someone else could tackle him,” Zeldin said of the commotion in his statement.

After the man was arrested by the police, the politician was able to continue his speech.

– This could have ended much worse. It could have ended horribly and that is unacceptable, says Nick Langworthy, leader of the Republicans in New York.
