Congress gets to see Trump’s declarations

Congress gets to see Trumps declarations

Published: Less than 40 min ago

full screen Former US President Donald Trump must hand over his tax returns to a congressional committee, according to a ruling. Stock Photography Photo: LM Otero/AP/TT

A US House committee has the right to see President Donald Trump’s tax returns, according to a federal appeals court ruling.

It is unclear whether Trump intends to appeal the ruling.

Since 2019, the committee has requested to see the then president’s income declarations. As long as Trump was president, the Justice Department refused to subpoena the documents, but last year the new administration in Washington ordered the IRS to hand over the records.

Trump then went to court to try to keep the declarations secret but has now lost in two instances.

The chairman of the congressional committee, Democrat Richard Neal, stated that the announcement means that the committee has the right on its side. The committee announces on Twitter that it expects the documents to be handed over immediately.

Trump was the first president in 40 years not to release his tax returns.
