Congo-Brazzaville unveils a national strategy for the prevention of juvenile delinquency

Congo Brazzaville unveils a national strategy for the prevention of juvenile

In Congo-Brazzaville, the actors who fight against juvenile delinquency validated on Saturday August 12 a national strategy for the prevention and treatment of this phenomenon, which continues to take on worrying proportions, especially in large cities. Several avenues are being considered.

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With our correspondent in Brazzaville, Loicia Martial

After three days of work to which attended by psychologists, sociologists, doctors, but also lawyers and other researchers, the extent of the phenomenon and the different facets of juvenile delinquency could be circumscribed.

According to the final report, participants recognized ” the multidimensional and multifactorial character of the phenomenon.

The strategy which has been adopted and which will be implemented by 2026 recommends a revaluation of lessons relating to civic, moral and peace education. It recommends a reform of the repressive legal framework, in order to intensify actions of referral to justice.

The strategy also encourages the creation of cultural education centers, the establishment of rehabilitation and resocialization centers for minors. The strengthening of border controls, in order to limit the migratory flows of foreign criminals and the trafficking of illicit substances, is also part of the recommendations.

These new proposals come at a time when, until now, repression had been the only measure envisaged to fight against this juvenile delinquency.
