Confusing shower command in the SM league – this is how the subject of the abuse commented on the matter

Confusing shower command in the SM league this is

Juuso Mäenpää, who was suspected to be the target of Tarmo Reunanen’s yelling, got the last word in any case, because he sealed KalPa’s 2–0 win over Luko.

Sakari Lund,

Sari Sirkki

Rauma’s Lukon became the talk of the ice hockey championship league round on Friday evening Tarmo Reunanen 5+20 minute penalty, the reason for which was announced as racist behavior.

Rauman Lukko also condemned Reunanen’s actions immediately message service in X.

The official reason for the penalty was initially recorded in the statistics service: “the reason for the penalty cannot be found in the rulebook”. Later, unsportsmanlike behavior became the reason for the suspension.

Based on the TV broadcast image, Reunanen spoke about KalPan in the situation For Juuso Mäenpää. Urheilu asked Mäenpää if he was the target of shouting.

– I’m not sure who he was yelling at. The audience also roared, they didn’t really hear it, Mäenpää stated.

In social media, the height of the 169-centimeter Mäenpää, one of the shortest players in the league, was highlighted, and that it would have been the reason for the shouting. Was the yelling involved?

– I guess it wasn’t about that. I didn’t really hear what he said, but the judges did and made a decision.

Mäenpää also commented on the matter For MTV Sports and in C More’s match broadcast. According to Mäenpää, the situation was not widely discussed among KalPa.

– All kinds of things happen in the game. This is how it happened, it was good for us, Reunanen stated to C More, referring to KalPa’s five-minute advantage.

Mäenpää stated that he did not think that the situation would result in such a big punishment for Reunanen.

– Well, I didn’t know, but now you know that you should think about what you say, play just a little more hockey, and not think about what you say to others.

In any case, Mäenpää got the last word, as he sealed KalPa’s victory with a 2–0 goal.

– It was good. Hadn’t hit yet in the early season, now I got the first one, the striker was happy for .

Lukko published after the match bulletin, in which Reunanen apologized for his inappropriate behavior. Reunanen admits that he used inappropriate, inappropriate language towards a player of the opposing team.

In the press release, he emphasizes that no terms referring to skin color, nationality, ethnic origin or descent were used in the situation.
