Confused with hand foot disease: Children under 10 are in danger! Experts took action for ‘tomato flu’! What is tomato flu, what are the symptoms of tomato flu?

Confused with hand foot disease Children under 10 are in

Doctors in India have been alarmed by a new virus called ‘tomato flu’, which has infected dozens of children. The infection was seen in the southern state of Kerala in May and is feared to be a new variant of hand and foot disease. Experts are also investigating whether this is the effect of a mosquito-borne infection, but they do not rule out the possibility that it is an entirely new pathogen. While the world is still reeling from the Covid pandemic and the epidemic of monkeypox, the global risk of a new disease worries everyone.


Known as the “tomato flu”, the disease is a viral illness named after the red blisters it forms. This virus, which causes symptoms similar to the monkeypox virus, has mainly affected children under the age of five so far. Since May, 82 children under the age of five have been diagnosed with tomato fever, and 26 young people up to the age of 10 have been brought under control as suspected cases.



Many patients also suffer from high fever and intense joint pain. Tomato flu symptoms include fatigue, weakness and diarrhea.

Doctors say it is ‘highly contagious’ and fear it could infect the adult population if the current outbreak is not brought under control.


The disease is contagious through saliva, mucus, feces, and fluid from blisters. Therefore, those affected should isolate themselves and not scratch. The exact cause of tomato flu is unknown. Children under the age of five are most affected. This is why the virus can spread rapidly in kindergartens and primary schools. Tomato flu is not considered a dangerous disease, but the symptoms can turn into a painful process, especially for young children. Symptoms usually disappear within 10 days.
