Conflicts around the world have forced more than 100 million people to move

Conflicts around the world have forced more than 100 million

Whether they are refugees abroad or displaced within their own country, the situation is unprecedented since the UN High Commissioner for Refugees started the accounts. And in 2022, the impact of the war in Ukraine has been massive.

From our correspondent in GenevaJérémie Lanche

Exiles of all categories now represent more than 1% of the world’s population. If they were put together in one country, it would be the 14th most populous in the world. A little less than the Philippines, but more than Egypt.

One hundred million uprooted people, it’s a record we should never have reached “, indignant Filippo Grandi, the boss of the UNHCR.

Contrary to popular belief, people who have found refuge abroad are in the minority. More than 53 million people are now living displaced in their own country because of the violence. And 2021, from this point of view, has been a dark year. With the deterioration of the Ethiopian conflict, the return of the Taliban and growing insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa. But in 2022, it was Ukraine that blew up all the forecasts. Even the most pessimistic.

By throwing, in just a few months, more than 15 million Ukrainians on the roads: 8 million inside the country and 6 million who fled abroad. The only reason for satisfaction for the UNHCR: the momentum of solidarity that has been created around Ukraine. A momentum that the organization would like to see at work for all other crises in the world.

►Also read: Mexico: Title 42 continues to block asylum seekers at the gates of the United States
