“Confirmed who it was before he shot”

The two accomplices were waiting for their victim in the car garage in Malmö on Tuesday evening. Once they located their target, one person shot him at close range – before jumping onto the moped driven by the other.
– He stood and waited and confirmed who it was before he shot, it was completely clear, says a witness.

Late on Tuesday evening, the police in Malmö received an alarm about gunfire. A man had been shot while traveling in his car in a garage. At midnight on Tuesday, the police announced that the man with the gunshot wound had died.

In the car was a young child, who escaped unscathed through the volley of gunfire.

A witness that TV4 Nyheterna spoke to says that he ended up in the middle of the murder drama that the police describe as being connected to the criminal environment in Malmö.

– I was very shocked and my wife started shaking, I just wanted to leave, says the witness.

Walked forward and shot at close range

The witness and his wife had been shopping in a shop near the garage. When they returned to their parked car, they saw the killer – standing and waiting for his victim.

– He stood and waited and confirmed who knows where before he shot, it was completely clear. He could have shot him directly through the windshield, but he shot through the side of the car, says the witness and continues:

– He came up to the car and started shooting, then he directly hit a moped. Everything went very quickly, in less than a minute.

The witness’s description of the course of events is similar to an execution and according to him the driver died immediately on the spot.

– He died immediately. His foot was still on the gas, so his tires skidded until they caught fire, the witness said.

Linked to previous murders

According to information to TV4 Nyheterna, the murdered man is a man in his 30s who a few years ago was suspected of a murder in Malmö. However, the man was acquitted of the murder charges. He has since appeared in the police register suspected of several other crimes.

The police confirm that the murdered man is known to them from before and that the sequence of events indicates that it is a deal in the criminal environment.

– We connect this incident to the criminal environments that we work with on a daily basis. The sequence of events as such is atypical for these environments and the man is known to us from before, says Erik Åberg, local police area manager south of Malmö.

A preliminary investigation into murder has been launched, but no one has been arrested. The crime scene was cordoned off for a long time in connection with the police’s technical investigation and patrols have remained visible at relevant locations connected to the murder.

– It is reckless and tragic when something like this happens in this type of environment, says Erik Åberg.
