Confirmed: Live grenade on balcony

Confirmed Live grenade on balcony



full screen The police can now confirm that the object that was thrown onto a balcony in Borås was a live grenade. The picture is from Thursday. Photo: Adam Ihse/TT

The suspicious object found on a balcony in Borås was loaded with live ammunition, the police confirm for Borås Tidning.

– It was a sharp hand grenade, says Pernilla Norberg, on-call preliminary investigation leader, to the newspaper after the bomb technicians’ investigation is complete.

It was around 11 a.m. on Thursday that the apartment owner opened the balcony door, saw the object and alerted the police. According to the police, the grenade may have already been thrown during the night or in the morning.

The police cordoned off a large area and residents were asked to close windows and doors and remain in their apartments until the police had secured the then-suspected grenade.

The police are investigating the incident as a serious crime against explosive goods and preparation for public destruction. No one has been arrested.
