Confindustria, PMI Day 2022 at the start with a very high participation

Energy Confindustria shock prices undermine growth prospects

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Clearly growing numbers for the PMI day 2022the National Day dedicated to Italian small and medium-sized enterprises, organized by Small Industry Confindustria together with the associations of the System. The event, which came to thirteenth editionkicks off today

with a series of initiatives simultaneously in all regions, involving over 1000 companies and 600 schools middle and high school and approx 48 thousand participants.

The 2022 edition has like focus on the “beauty of Italian know-how”, an asset and a competitive factor that arises from the attitude to take care of the productions.

Very high the participation of the Confindustria Systemwith more than 97% of the local associations who joined the initiative together with Acimit, Assosistema, Confindustria Moda, Federchimica and Federmeccanica. A clear testimony of the entrepreneurs’ interest in bringing young people closer to the business world, through meetings and guided visits to companies.

Since 2010year of birth of the event, the SMEs of Confindustria have opened the doors altogether to over 472,000 young people. As of 2021 the event has obtained the patronage of the Ministry of Education and of Conference of the Regions . A confirmation of the crucial importance of informing and training young people at the same time, updating the teaching staff – with particular attention to middle schools – directing children towards educational paths suitable for undertaking new professions and encouraging a wider involvement of local institutions in the project .

Furthermore, for years the partnership in some territories with Confagricoltura – Alessandria, Bergamo, Brescia and Taranto -, to tell the reality of the company also in the agricultural sector. PMI Day also took over an international footprint with the confirmation, for the fifth consecutive year, of the patronage of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and international cooperation.

“PMI Day is a big party where entrepreneurs listen to young people. A comparison in which the future is drawn together”, says Giovanni Baroni, president of Piccola Industria of Confindustria, adding “an entrepreneur remains a lifelong student, with the propensity for change, enthusiasm, curiosity and energy that distinguish the boys”.
