Confindustria, Bonomi: 2023 won’t be so gloomy, open to collaborating with the Government

Confindustria Bonomi 2023 wont be so gloomy open to collaborating

(Finance) – “2023 will not be so gloomy, quite the contrary”. This was assured by the president of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi in his speech at the conference of Confindustria which takes place in Venice. “The first months of the year – he added – will be complicated but we are able to face them, from the month of September we expect a drop in theinflationwe expect a robust recovery of business, we will be close to 600 billion in exports. Our competitors Germany And France are lagging behind as we gain market share. All this provided that energy prices remain what they are and that the Government you are not wrong industrial policy interventions: two fundamental conditions for industry to govern the country”.

Precisely with regard to relations with the Government, Bonomi has opened up to a collaboration. “If the Prime Minister Georgia Melons will want to build this tool with Confindustria in the interest and autonomy of European industry, Confindustria is ready to face these challenges”, he underlined. “On the month we need to clarify – continued Bonomi – because Italy has already signed the treaty on the Mes, our country is committed to 125 billion, of which 14.3 billion has already been paid. We are discussing the ratification and changes to the Mes regulation. A fund that has already been used.”

“We face a big challenge. If we believe the new regulation it is not in the national interest of the country, that it is not a fund structured to face the new ones challengesthen I think it’s time to seriously discuss across Europe how to use a ready-made tool to make it a tool of European industrial policy. This should be the discussion on the Mes “, said the president of Confindustria.

“After the war in Ukraine they energy shocksthe problems about subjects prime they are security issues of European autonomy. It is unthinkable today to address these issues on the challenge of competitiveness that they have set us Use And China like Italy or as a regional system, but we need a European dimension”, underlined Bonomi. “I would not like us to get distracted from the real challenge we are facing in a discussion of a national vision.

“The real challenge is on competitiveness of the industrial system – he continued -, on industry 5.0 with the United States and China who want to become independent on all issues. This is why we need Europe to seriously address the idea of ​​additional funds to make us competitive and autonomous”.
