Confindustria Bergamo, Ricuperati: “Sustainable competitiveness key to facing new challenges”

Confindustria Bergamo Ricuperati Sustainable competitiveness key to facing new challenges

(Finance) – “In this specific historical moment for companies, ‘sustainable competitiveness’ means only one thing: we believe that what is important for companies to withstand the shocks of a succession of difficult moments is, first of all, to remain competitive , therefore being able to face the arena of the markets in which they are inserted with results that allow them to invest in sustainability and in the great challenges of the energy transition, managing to grow and develop.A central theme especially for that part of small and medium-sized enterprises which are the backbone of our country. It is therefore a question of being competitive businesses, where competitiveness allows them to have the margins necessary to be able to invest in sustainability which is the keystone of the future”. That’s what he says Giovanna Ricuperati, president of Confindustria Bergamo in view ofAssembly of Confindustria Bergamo “Sustainable competitiveness, two perspectives, one direction” which will take place on December 5th at 4 pm at the TEB central tram depot in Ranica. The event, open to all, with compulsory registration on the Confindustria Bergamo website, will be moderated by the Milan correspondent of the Financial Times Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli and will see the interventions of Federico Pittaluga, managing director of Medlog Italia and Medway Italia, Philip Addarii, managing partner of PlusValue, Charles Bonomi, president of Confindustria, and of the president of Confindustria Bergamo. In line with the principle of sustainability, it will be possible to reach the venue exclusively via dedicated trams, made available by TEB, which will depart from the Bergamo and Albino terminus and from the “Pradalunga” stop, in the municipality of Nembro, every 15 minutes approximately.

Thinking about sustainable development, what are the strengths of Italian companies?

“First of all, referring in particular to our economic system typically dedicated to the processing and manufacturing of components and machinery on behalf of third parties, an enormous design capacity. A design capacity which means solving the problems of most of the largest productions that exist in Europe and in the rest of the world. We are capable of designing and then we have the ability to produce and translate these projects into products that are appreciated all over the world. An engineering-design excellence, a unique production quality in the face, however, of limits in direction of management and investments and in the enhancement of what is done.There are other areas for improvement in logistics, often considered marginal while it represents an important part of the value chain, and in the subject of skills, human resources trained to respond to needs of businesses.It is necessary to focus on great values ​​– those ch and they proved themselves in the wonderful post-pandemic numbers of 2021 where we understood that when the market works, companies are able to support and handle it – and at the same time on structural optimization within companies that allows them to make a further leap above all in size”.

Another key issue is infrastructure. How do you look to the future? And what are the priorities?

“In an area such as infrastructure and logistics, where large private international operators define projects which then fall back on the territories, the first thing to do is to understand what these projects are and which part to take in these projects so that they are truly at the service of our companies. Infrastructures are fundamental because when you transfer goods you need communication channels to transport them from one part of the world to another. But at the same time the infrastructures must be efficient, sustainable, as least invasive as possible. In this assembly we will also deal with this issue by looking to enter into the merits of one of these projects: the Cortenuova intermodal hub which is one of the many infrastructural projects that our country presents”.
