Confcommercio on the Third Age Pact: “Good approval of the decree. However, additional resources will be needed.”

Confcommercio on the Third Age Pact Good approval of the

(Finance) – Il Government yesterday approved the implementing decree of the law on the reform ofassistance to non-self-sufficient people. It is a start we have been waiting for, certainly good news and a very important first step to provide answers and support to families living in fragile conditions.

For the 3.8 million non-self-sufficient elderly people and their families who assist them on a daily basis will, however, need further allocations of resources. In fact, a system reform is needed and we hope that in the coming months the condition of elderly people, non-self-sufficient elderly people and caregivers will be addressed institutionally also to recover the economic resources necessary to meet the needs of an increasingly numerous: so theConfcommercio 50&Più Associationcommitted to protecting the rights of elderly people for fifty years, comments on the ‘green light’ to Pact for the Third Age by the Cabinet.

The possibility envisaged by the first articles of the implementing decree is particularly important – the note continues – because by promoting dignity, social inclusion, active ageing, the prevention of frailty of the elderly population, it offers the opportunity to involve seniors in processes of participation in the community and of experiencing, without barriers, the activities promoted by the actors in the field. The aspect linked to the use of elderly people in voluntary activities is also important so that the importance of their contribution to society is not lost.

50&Più – concludes the note – hopes that the dialogue initiated with the Government will lead to even more advanced results. In fact, for assistance to non-self-sufficient elderly people, it remains essential to contain the economic burdens for families in difficulty by paying particular attention to the figures who take care of the elderly: very important figures who deserve support and guarantees to carry out their work as best as possible, because the health of seniors also depends on their commitment.
