(Finance) – The president of Confagricoltura, Massimiliano Giansantiwrote to the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, to express strong opposition to the possible proposal of a Single National Fund For the financing of the measures that currently fall into the PAC, in the cohesion funds and other European direct funds. This proposal – highlights Giansanti – would not only create disparity in the allocation of resources between the states, but would put the entire system of European agricultural policy and the single market £ at risk.
The letter was delivered to the Premier on the occasion of the European Council, in progress today and tomorrow in Brussels. “The reassignment of EU funding in a single fund – explains the president of Confagricoltura – It would entail the elimination of historical Pac financing tools, or the European Agricultural Fund of Guarantee and the European Agricultural Fund for rural development, threatening the competitiveness of agriculture and stability of European rural areas “.
A choice in this direction, says Confagricoltura in a note, would represent a radical change in the financial governance of the EU and would have very serious consequences onagriculture. The agricultural world has always asked for an increase in the budget for the sector and an adaptation of the prizes to meet the needs that emerge strongly from the current context characterized by geopolitical instability and economic uncertainty.
“Instead, agriculture must continue to remain one politics union which does not fall into the single background. A strong and safe Europe – concludes Giansanti – cannot be separated from a solid and competitive agricultural sector, supported by an adequate and targeted balance, fundamental for the future of our country, primarily, and Europe in general “.