Concerts and Covid-19: can they be banned again?

1640157700 Concerts and Covid 19 can they be banned again

CONCERTS. Faced with the surge in Covid-19 cases, several of our European neighbors have taken strict health measures. Can France do the same?

[Mis à jour le 20 décembre 2021 à 16h19] In Denmark, cinemas, theaters and concert halls are closing their doors, announces Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen this Friday, December 17, in an attempt to curb the surge in cases of Covid-19 and propagation of the Omicron variant. The Scandinavian country has recorded a new record of more than 11,000 cases of the Omicron variant in the past 24 hours, Mette Frederiksen said at a press conference. At the forefront of sequencing, is one of the countries in the world to have detected the most cases of Omicron on its soil. The Netherlands has announced strict containment: all non-essential shops, restaurants, bars, cinemas, concert halls, museums and theaters must close their doors until January 14. The France can she follow the same path? For now, the answer is no.

“As the Spring study carried out as part of the test concert that we organized at the Accor Arena with the AP-HP (Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris) has scientifically demonstrated, our cultural arenas are not places spread of the virus thanks to the strict application of the sanitary measures in force “, argues in this sense Malika Séguineau, general manager of Prodiss, questioned by The Parisian.

Last year, the government announced the ban on standing concerts and festivals, until June 30, the date of the last stage of deconfinement. For now, only night establishments have had to close their doors. No health measures concerning concerts and festivals have yet been mentioned. It is therefore possible to buy concert tickets without risk to put under the tree. Especially since this Christmas period is crucial for the sector.

“In the event of a cancellation or a postponement, you now have the full guarantee of being reimbursed as soon as possible from the distributor who sold you the ticket, adds Malika Séguineau in the columns of the newspaper. therefore a pivotal moment for professionals, which determines a large part of the following year. Spectators can, moreover, take advantage of an exceptional offer this year, with postponed shows that can finally be played, but also new productions. in all of France.”
