concerns about government plans for media

concerns about government plans for media

Since his return to power at the end of 2023, Robert Fico and his government have undertaken controversial reforms in several areas. After justice, it is public broadcasting which is in turmoil, with journalists increasingly worried about their independence, while in foreign policy, the Slovak position is now more favorable to Moscow.

2 mins

With our correspondent in the region, Alexis Rosenzweig

Appointed by the far-right allied to Robert Fico, Martina Simkovicova, the Minister of Culture, indicated that a change was needed in the management of Slovak public radio and television, RTVS.

For someone who previously worked for a conspiracy channel, the priority is to ensure that what she considers to be “censorship” stops. And to cite as an example the themes of Covid and Ukraine on which, according to the minister, no discordant opinion is tolerated on the air.

Several hundred journalists, from RTVS and independent private media, signed appeals to protest against the steps taken by this minister, who also stood out by advocating the renewal of cultural relations with Russia and Belarus, in accordance with to the pro-Russian turn initiated by Robert Fico since his re-election.

The press and the independence of journalists constitute a subject that is all the more sensitive in Slovakia since the assassination of an investigative reporter in 2018 had a profound impact on the country, leading to the resignation of Robert Fico and his government. era.

Government’s attempt to impose control over public media threatens rule of law and mocks EU demands », Estimates Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

I regret that Slovakia is sending yet another signal that calls into question fundamental democratic principles, this time regarding the functioning of independent media “, declared Head of State Zuzana Caputova, whose mandate ends in a few weeks.

Read alsoFrictions between the Czech Republic and Slovakia over Ukraine
