Concerns about accidents involving fat bikes: ‘Introducing an age limit does not go far enough’

Concerns about accidents involving fat bikes Introducing an age limit

Fat bike petition

About fifty municipalities and several organizations are calling on the House of Representatives through a petition to do something about souped-up fat bikes. Amersfoort, De Ronde Venen, Houten, Soest and Utrecht signed the petition.

The number of accidents involving fat bikes is increasing. In the first four months of this year there were 33. In 2023 there were 59, and a year earlier there were seven. This concerns accidents in which victims end up in the emergency room. Many victims are children. More than half of the victims this year are children between the ages of 10 and 14.

The aldermen of Amersfoort and Amsterdam, among others, presented the petition to the House of Representatives yesterday. They would like an investigation into the introduction of a minimum age for fast bicycles and a ban on the sale of souped-up fat bikes. A majority of the House of Representatives is open to an age limit, it became clear after the petition was presented.
