Dresden’s tomato-processing plant will get state-of-the-art upgrades to help boost production amid growing demand, its owners have announced.

Dresden’s tomato-processing plant will get state-of-the-art upgrades to help boost production amid growing demand, its owners have announced.
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Conagra Brands Canada said the multimillion-dollar investment in the plant, about 30 kilometers north of Chatham, reflects the company’s commitment to providing high-quality, local food.
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Each September, tomato packing ramps up as local farmers process harvested tomatoes at the end of a year-long cycle.
The upgrades, which will allow for a 25 per cent increase in processing, include:
- Streamlined production and supply chain operations with upgraded software.
- Increased production of tomato paste with new, state-of-the-art evaporator.
- Addition of a RO*TEL line, a US brand, to support Canadian volume.
The increased capacity is good news for the community, said Lynne Strickler, Conagra’s senior marketing director. Exact dollar value of the project was not available.
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“It’s a big year for investment at our Dresden production facility,” she said Thursday. “It’s really setting us up for long-term growth at that facility.”
Though Strickler had no immediate estimate of how many new jobs the changes might create, she said the new RO*TEL line will provide a boost.
“When you add a production line, you need people to go along with that line,” she said. “That’s what we’re primarily looking at in terms of the increase in employment, particularly during the fresh pack.”
Canned tomatoes remain a significant part of people’s diets and have been selling well, Strickler said, calling them a “great base” for many dishes, including international cuisine.
Consumer demand has increased because more people cooking at home, especially those who got into the habit during the pandemic, she added..
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“We’ve seen increased at-home consumption and at-home cooking, that of course started in the COVID years,” she said. “But we have seen that behavior be ‘sticky.’
“We’ve invested a lot of time in growing our skills and when it comes to cooking. We’ve maybe invested in some new equipment in the kitchen, and so people remain there.”
In addition to the new RO*TEL line, Conagra’s Dresden plant produces the popular Aylmer and Hunt’s tomsto brands.
The Dresden plant is ideally located, in the heart of Ontario tomato country, resulting in a short turnaround for product, Strickler said
Conagra is headquartered in Chicago, with a Canadian presence in Mississauga.
“These advancements to our Dresden plant represent an investment in Canadians and a continued commitment to expanding our operations in Canada,” Paul Hogan, Conagra Brands Canada vice-president and general manager, said in a recent release.
“This investment will create more jobs, increase our capacity and ultimately meet the changing needs of our consumers, employees and those of the communities where we live and work.”
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