Computer: what is it?

Computer what is it

IBM France introduced the word computer in the French language in 1955 in order to avoid literally translating English. computer until then intended for scientific machines. The French case is quite rare because many languages ​​have preferred to transcribe English directly: Компью́тер in Russian, computer in italian, german, computer in Portuguese. Spanish uses both computer and computer which he draws from French. In the 1950s, the vocabulary was indeed lacking to describe a fabulous machine resulting from the work of British mathematician Alan Turing.

Miniaturization and the fall in the cost of computers

Appearing in 1939, the computer followed a life cycle comparable to that of the inventions of the industrial revolution such as theautomobile. Its cost was initially very high and intended for a limited clientele. Only the United States can afford to manufacture computers after WWII, like the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer). Little by little, its use spreads:

  • the appearance of integrated circuit allows medium-sized companies to acquire them from the second half of the 1950s;
  • the office automation develops from the 1970s;
  • in the second half of the 1990s, it spread to homes and took advantage of the rise of the web ;
  • it exists today in the form of tablets, smartphones, laptops.

A programmable information processing system

In accordance with the theory ofAlan turing a computer is an information processing system organized into programs. A sequential read causes the device to run in a mode binary arithmetic and logic operations as soon as it is switched on.

How does a computer work?

A computer combine it software or software that gives instructions and material that is called the hardware. The computer is designed on the model of the human body composed of the brain, organs and inputs and outputs which are equivalent to perception.

Software or software, computer brain

Software is made up of a series of sequences of instructions, called programs, and data, which the device analyzes and processes. the operating system is the most important part of the software because it manages the resources of a computer. The quality of software must in particular take into account:

  • full functionality;
  • reliability;
  • the performance ;
  • the accuracy of the results;
  • the simplicity.

Hardware or computer equipment

The hardware is none other than the computer hardware. He receives and applies software orders. It includes in particular:

  • the processor who processes the data;
  • the motherboard, responsible for component support;
  • RAM or random access memory;
  • video card and monitor;
  • the keyboard.

How to clean a computer?

There are several ways to clean a computer. This can naturally be done physically by cleaning the fans or by changing the parts. It is also possible to use functions of your device or specially dedicated software.

Physically clean the device

  • A bomb at air intended for this purpose should clean the fans.
  • Change the components of the device.

Use free software

You can download CCleaner, CCEnhancer or AdwCleaner for free for clean your computer.

It is also strongly recommended to consult an IT specialist.

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