Computer market closed the last quarter with historical decline

Computer market closed the last quarter with historical decline

The computer market is not going through very good times. The entire industry closed the last quarter with a really big, even historic decline.

research company Gartner Worldwide computer shipments in the fourth quarter of 2022, according to results announced by 65.3 million, down 28.5 percent compared to the fourth quarter of 2021. According to Gartner, this marks the biggest quarterly shipment decline since the 1990s. All PC sales saw 286.2 million units in 2022, a 16.2 percent drop from 2021. So why? Why has the PC market seen such a huge drop? It is difficult to give a single reason here, because more than one cause is affecting the situation. There are many people who completed their computer investments during the pandemic period, and at the same time, the current economic tables seriously affect the purchases.

Mikako Kitagawa, Analyst Director at Gartner, “The prospect of a global recession, rising inflation and high interest rates have had a huge impact on PC demand” said and added:The fact that many consumers have new PCs purchased during the pandemic and the lack of affordable products that have taken away their motivation to buy has caused PC demand to fall to its lowest level in recent years.


This situation may recover somewhat in the first quarter of 2023. Because remarkable products within the scope of CES 2023 introduced. There will be a demand for these PCs, but still, the industry does not expect an easy year in 2023.
