With the development of technology, newborn children are born directly into the digital world. As it is known, games are indispensable for children. So, as parents, do we ever wonder what our kids are playing? In today’s article, we will give you information about computer games for children. Thus, you will have played games that are beneficial for the development of children.
Today, this great growth of technology has put children into technology as soon as they are born. Children generally resort to games to pass the time. Due to our age, these are always done in the computer environment. The duty of parents is not to prevent children from playing games, but to choose suitable games for children and help them play.
The games in our list have been included in the list as a result of research conducted by many universities around the world. These games are known as games that have positive effects on the development of children around the world. Without further ado, let’s get to our list.
World of Goo (Suitable for Kids 3+)

World of Goo is a game that is available on both mobile and PC. Any child over the age of three can play this game with pleasure. We are trying to solve puzzles in the game. In the game, you try to build bridges by combining sticky balls and thus move from one place to another. Its cartoon-like visuals give us pleasant moments.
Subnautica (Suitable for Kids 7+)

There are many survival games for adults today and they are quite popular. Subnautica is a survival game for kids. In this game, you try to survive by traveling under the sea and collecting supplies and tools.
Crash Bandicoot: N Sane Trilogy (Suitable for Kids 7+)

Crash Bandicoot was an excellent game for PlayStation, but its graphics were way below today’s. This legendary game takes its place on the stage again with today’s graphics under the name of Crash Bandicoot: N Sane Trilogy.
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout (All ages)

Another survival game on our list, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout is different from other survival games. Here, you try to solve puzzles and complete the tracks rather than fighting. No matter what age group you are, you won’t get tired of this game.
Sonic Generations Collection (Suitable for Kids 3+)

Sonic is a super cartoon character that we all love. This game is in honor of Sonic’s 20th anniversary. As in the usual Sonic games, there are parts in this game where we progress with the Sonic platform logic, and we do missions in the 3D world.
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