compulsory vaccination for all people over 50 years of age

compulsory vaccination for all people over 50 years of age

Since the end of December 2021, Covid-19 contaminations have been on the rise in Italy. The government headed by Mario Draghi has therefore decided to introduce compulsory vaccination for people over the age of 50 who are most at risk of being hospitalized in an intensive care unit.

As of Wednesday January 5, 189,109 new cases were recorded in Italy as well as 239 deaths. Italy has 28 million people over 50 out of 59 million inhabitants. It is therefore on this age group that the government is focusing to slow the contaminations curve, reduce pressure on hospitals and save lives, according to our correspondent in Rome, Anne Le Nir. “ We want to slow down the contaminations curve and encourage Italians who have not yet been vaccinated to do so “, Justified during the Council of Ministers Mario Draghi, according to a statement from the government.

Concretely, the new decree-law adopted by the Council of Ministers imposes the vaccination obligation for all people over 50 years of age who are not working and the holding of the reinforced health pass, obtained with a complete vaccination cycle or after recovery from Covid-19 , for those who work in the public or private sector.

Currently, 74.2% of the population is fully vaccinated. A percentage considered insufficient to protect the country from a new reconfinement which would inevitably have a very negative impact on the economic recovery plan.

►Also read: French press review – What if the Omicron variant was the way out of the pandemic?

