compulsory adult vaccination from February

In a few weeks, adult vaccination will be compulsory in Austria. From the beginning of February, those who have not been vaccinated are liable to a heavy fine. These announcements were made this Sunday, January 16, by the Austrian Chancellor, Karl Nehammer.

We will adopt the vaccination obligation as planned. It will come into force at the beginning of February. This is obviously a highly sensitive subject. To take this step, you have to take into account many factors… And that’s exactly what we did. Compulsory vaccination will therefore come into force at the beginning of February. says the Austrian Chancellor. 27,000 people were still demonstrating on Saturday January 16 in the Austrian capital against this controversial measure, accused of flouting individual freedoms.

It will begin with a start-up phase during which people will have the opportunity to get vaccinated, to let themselves be convinced. A phase in which we will make even more information available than before, explains Karl Nehammer.

Fine of up to 3,600 euros

All non-vaccinated will receive a summons for the administration of a first injection and those who do not show up will be fined after reminders. The law provides for up to four fines per individual. The police will be empowered to carry out checks on the public highway.

After this adaptation phase, which will end in mid-March, the vaccination will be checked. And not being able to present an up-to-date vaccination status to the controllers will constitute an offense “Warns the Chancellor. This offense will be punishable by a penalty ranging from 600 to 3,600 euros in the event of a repeat offense. The law is scheduled to be applied until January 31, 2024 at the latest.

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer announcing the compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 for adults, in Vienna, on January 16, 2022.

The Austrian government justifies this measure by the congestion of hospitals linked to the Omicron variant and its desire to achieve a vaccination rate of 90%, allowing, according to the advice of its experts, to achieve collective immunity.

It has a large majority in the chamber: in addition to the Conservatives and the Greens, the leaders of the Social Democratic and Liberal parties support the text. Only the extreme right is opposed to it, in the name of the protection of individual freedoms.

►Also read: Report – In Austria, thousands of demonstrators against reconfinement and the obligation to vaccinate

Exceptions provided

Exceptions are made for pregnant women, people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons and people who have contracted the disease, considered to have the necessary antibodies for 180 days.

According to government figures, 5.8 million of the inhabitants of this central European country, which has 7.4 million people eligible for vaccination, had an up-to-date vaccination pass.

(With AFP)

