Compotes in sachets contain more sugar than Coca-Cola, worry scientists

Some sachet compotes are not good for the health of

Today, widely acclaimed by parents for their practicality, bagged compotes are – again – in the dock, pointed out by British scientists who denounce sky-high sugar levels, but also a speech fallacious around the notions of “products adapted to the needs of infants”. To top it off, even the packaging of the pockets would harm the proper development of the dentition.

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It’s a must-have in all parents’ diaper bags and seems as practical as it is beneficial for the health of the little ones. And yet, compotes packaged in squeeze bags would not be harmless for their little quenottes, even to the point that British dentists are warning about their bewildering proportion in sugars. And that’s not the only problem…

To the strawberryapple orapricot… You have to admit that the compotes packaged in pockets that you just have to press to give a toddler a taste are very practical when you’re out and about. And since it is a snacking with fruits, we tend to consider this offer as recommendable for children.

However, the British Dental Association (BDA) examined the composition of 109 products of this kind, all designed for children under the age of twelve months, to realize how much these compotes were rich in sugars. In fact, more than a quarter contained even more sugar than a can of Coca Colawhen comparing the same volume. Also, two-thirds of the pockets exceeded five grams of sugar per 100 ml.

Practical but bad, from content to container!

For 40% of samples, these compotes in the pocket were however well “marketed” as a product suitable for children from four months. L’World Health Organization recommends not to give this kind of food product until after six months.

According to the BDA, do not be seduced by advertising claims highlighting the mention “no added sugars” or “high in fiber”. According to British dentists, the marketing carried out around these products suggests, wrongly, that they are healthy products.

And yet, this is far from being the case, especially when you consume them directly by sucking the mouthpiece of the pocket – even though the purpose of this packaging is precisely to apply the mouth to the small pipe so that you no longer need a spoon… In fact, by keeping the tip in plastic between the teeth, the enamel is damaged and the appearance of cavities.

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