Complete cheating at the preschools in Eslöv

These are tough times financially and Eslöv municipality has now taken measures to save money. During the autumn semester, the parents of preschool children have had to prove how much they work.
– We want to use the money in the right way,” says Eva Mellberg, head of department for preschools in Eslöv municipality.

Children have the right to attend preschool when parents are gainfully employed or studying. This means that as a parent, for example, you are not allowed to shop or exercise when the child is at preschool.

In the municipality of Eslöv, parents previously filled in their working hours themselves, but now there are new times. From the autumn term, they must submit certificates from their employers to substantiate the times the parents have indicated.

– These are tough times and we want to use the money in the right way, says Eva Mellberg.

Strong reactions among Eslöv residents

The new regulations have provoked very strong reactions on social media. Thousands have reacted and commented on posts about the incident. Opinions about the municipality’s new control are divided. Some think it is absolutely right, while others believe that the municipality is far too harsh.

– It has become a big question. We had only thought that we needed to do what we could to comply with the existing legislation, says the head of department.

Whether many parents have cheated cannot yet be said, as the parents’ certificates must be submitted at the end of September.

– Then we will see if the new measures have made any difference, says Eva Mellberg.

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