Competition, taxi drivers meet Bellanova: towards the thaw

Competition taxi drivers meet Bellanova towards the thaw

(Finance) – Still no agreement for taxis at the meeting at Mims with Deputy Minister Teresa Bellanova. The trade union organizations present at the meeting reiterated the 48-hour national strike of 5 and 6 July, calling for the excerpt of article 10 of the Competition Bill which implements a crackdown on concessions and urges the start of the reform of the sector.

For the Deputy Minister Bellanova was started with the operators of the sector, both taxi drivers and NCCs, one “important listening phase” and the possibility of going beyond the request for an excerpt for one has emerged “reflection on the merits”. “After this first moment of listening, followed by a discussion with parliamentary groups, we will return to a new appointment“, added Bellanova, underlining” we are all aware of the importance of this sector which we consider strategic “and therefore” I ask everyone to be responsible towards users and a service that must be guaranteed “.

We consider the opening signs positively demonstrated by the Deputy Minister Bellanova who, while declaring that she does not support the excerpt of article 10 of the competition law, reiterated that neither the framework law 21/92 which currently regulates the sector of non-scheduled local public transport, nor the route will be canceled. already done “, replies Uiltrasporti after the meeting at Mims.

“We also agree – continues Uiltrasporti – with need expressed by the Deputy Minister of define clear rules and areas also for all technological platforms present in the sector. In waiting for a new call by Mims before the parliamentary vote on the proxy law, we will evaluate together with our members the commitments that the Deputy Minister Bellanova will undertake and consequently we will decide whether or not to confirm the 48-hour strike scheduled for 5 and 6 July. ”

Meanwhile, the Codacons is ready to do battle in case of strikes and assemblies of taxi drivers that should block the service to the detriment of users. Any trade union event of the category must be organized in compliance with the provisions in force and guaranteeing the minimum services to the community – explains the Codacons – Any wild strike or assembly that blocks the circulation of taxis could in fact configure the case of interruption of public service and, in this sense, we are ready to contact the competent prosecutors so that users’ rights are adequately guaranteed.
